Monday, August 29, 2011

Olivia Finished

I love this pattern.  It is by ChrisWDesigns here.  She has many patterns that are awesome.  Take a look around her blog.  I will definitely make another one of these when the right fabric jumps out at me. Please ignore the old barn in the back.

That and adjusting to 3rd shift has been keeping me busy.  I have sooooo many ideas flying around right now that I must be trying them out so I have samples.  If you remember my Saga of the 25, I have been asked to do that again.  I am not sure if there will be 25 but I know there will be at least 18.  That means I won't be dong much extra for a while.  I am trying to figure some things to do that will make them look wonderful and maybe cut down on some of the work.  Wish me luck there, I may need it.

Life has been good.  Granddaughter in the Air Force will be visiting soon.  Maybe in time to see the fall colors appearing.  That would be great.  I miss her a lot.

Now I need to take a few days to plan out and try to get some samples done for next year.  The more I can show in physical form the better she will be able to picture it.  Other projects include trying to clean up the garage.  Yuck!!!!  To much stuff.  But then I can sew with a clear mind. 


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Life & Sewing

Hi everyone

Well it has been stupidly crazy around here lately.  My DH went on 3rd shift.  Now that takes some getting used to.  He is not having trouble with the sleeping part as I have the room really dark thanks to a couple cheap bamboo mats over the windows.  He can sleep almost anytime anyway.
The biggest problem is me trying to figure out when to do my stuff without causing issues.  I am finding that if I get up when texts me to say he is out of work I can do the noisy stuff then.  When he leaves for work I am not wanting to do any of that stuff.  I am fixing dinner and making enough he can have it when he gets up.
Now on the positive side, I am sleeping like a log.  Taking my half out of the middle.  Then again so is he.
Sewing is taking a big confusing hit.  I spend most of my time in the computer and sewing room.  But I am kinda lost.  Last month I said I was going to make some organizers.  I DID!!!!  Ahhhhh  I made one.  Now I have to enlarge it and make one the way I want.  I used the Lazy Girl pattern for the Suzi Purse Insert.  WAY WAY WAY TO SMALL.  Here are pictures so you can see what I have done with mine.

I am in the process of cutting out pieces for a new bag called "Olivia"  by ChrisWDesigns.  This is a really nice looking bag.  I can't wait to get it finished so I can show all of you.  You can visit her site and see this pattern and others here.  Check it out here.  
This from the one who doesn't do patterns so ya know I was impressed.